Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yes, I said it. My bass player is one of my best friends, my performance coach, songwriting friend, and also the most critical bastard you've ever met. His old friends label him as 'caustic' and that describes him to a tee. However, I have say, Wayne Evans has helped me in every way. 

His musical career began long before my mother even moved out of her parent's house. He likes to remind me that when he was my age, he was just getting off the road and retiring from professional music! Here he is in all his baddass bass fatness with 'The Nocturnals- Because You're Gone' 

The Nocturnals were the coolest band around Vancouver in the 60's. They started as an instrumental dance ensemble playing jazz standards, latin, swing, shuffle, bossanova, and of course rock and roll! Enter Billy McBeth at age 16 a year later, and BOOM! the little drummer boy brought life to the original R&B music with groovy vocals. 

My main man Wayne wrote their biggest radio hit 'Baby This Ain't Love' and to this day, still brags about his socan royalty payments of approximately $7 every few months :) 

Meeting Wayne Evans changed my life forever.

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